Saturday, November 29, 2008

More pictures of our house

So I guess I can only post five pictures at a time. Here are some more. There may be more to come still. Enjoy!

The House

Okay, so I'm finally posting a few pictures of our house. There may be more to come if you're lucky. Most of these are just of the living room and there are a couple of the kitchen/dining room area. We are absolutely LOVING it!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Recent Pics

Here are a few random pictures of the boys. We didn't get any Halloween pictures because our camera wasn't working, but there are a couple of Ethan on his actual birthday opening a present and some from his party the following weekend at least! Thanks, Mom & Dad Baum, for the b-day party pictures! Caleb just started solids last week, and he is loving them! He is growing up way too fast!